Who Can Get a Personal Loan?

Who Can Get a Personal Loan?

Lenders often set minimum requirements and will likely look at your credit score, payment history, income and debt-to-income ratio.

If you’re furloughed or unemployed, the lender may ask you for documentation that indicates when you’ll return to work, such as your furlough letter or a job offer.

Age eligibility requirements can vary by lender or by state and territory laws. Generally, consumers must be 18 to apply, but some states may require borrowers to be 19 or 21.

If you’re applying for a secured loan, the lender will also consider your collateral.

Should You Get a Personal Loan?

Although they won’t work for everyone, personal loan might make sense in certain situations. You may consider applying for a personal loan if you have an emergency expense, need to make a large purchase or want to consolidate some of your high-interest debts.

There are times when a personal loan might not be the best option, though. While personal loans can be used as home improvement loans, for example, you may want to consider a home equity loan instead if you don’t mind using your home as collateral. And for some types of special purchases, such as a wedding or a vacation, it’s best to plan and save so you can pay cash rather than take out a personal loan.

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